서울여자대학교 대학원 출신의 미술심리치료 전문가 그룹이 함께합니다.
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About MATI-2
(Meta Art Therapy Institute)
김선희 대표(Sunhee K. Kim, Ph.D., ATR-BC, ATCS, LCAT)
2021.03~현재: 서울여자대학교 예술심리치료 전공주임 교수
2010.03~2021.02: 서울여자대학교 특수치료 전문대학원 교수
2002.09~2010.02: 서울여자대학교 특수치료전문대학원 표현예술치료학과 겸임 교수
2000.01~2003.12: School of Visual Arts Clinical Supervisor on-site /Internship students’ Supervisor
2000.01~2003.12: New York University Clinical Supervisor on-site /Internship students’ Supervisor
1998.09~2010.02: DOJ Health Services - Adult Day Health Care Program
1998.08~2001.09: Cabrini Medical Center/ Cabrini Hospice - Child Life Program
1998.03~1998.09: The Jewish Home & Hospital – Social Day Program for memory Impaired Adults
1996.01~1997.01: North Central Bronx Hospital – Adult Acute Psychiatry Unit
1996.05~1997.01: North Central Bronx Hospita - Children/ Adolescent Psychiatry Unit
2024 사)한국공간디자인학회 춘계학술대회강연 '안전한 도시 회복을 위한 예술 치유'
2024 GWU(George Washington University) D-PPAT 특강
Kim, S. K., Kim, N. (2017). Psychosocial Interventions with Expressive Arts Therapies for PTSD prevention: Based on Post-
trauma Support Experience in Nepal After Earthquake. The Expressive Therapeis Summit, New York, Oct. 14th, 2017, U.S.A.
Kim, S. K, Lee, G., Kim, S. (2014). Adapting the PPAT Assessment to Digital Devices: A Report, The Expressive Therapies Summit, New York, Nov. 8th, 2014, U.S.A.
Kim, S. (2013). Using the psychocybernetic model of art therapy in quantitative research, The Expressive Therapies Summit, New York, Nov. 9th, 2012, U.S.A.
Kim, S. (2013). Realignment of art psychotherapy, Fall Symposium at Graduate School of Professional Therapeutic Technology at SWU, Oct. 30th, 2013, Seoul, Korea
Kim, S. (2013). CBT for adult ADHD and its approaches of art therapy , The Korean Association of Psychotherapy conference, Seoul, Korea, Oct. 18th, 2013, South, Korea
Kim, S. (2013). A new paradigm in art therapy: Neuroscientific research, The 2nd International Symposium: Developments and Directions in Creative Arts Therapy Research, Jeonju University, Oct. 5th, 2013, South, Korea
Kim, S. (2012). Addiction and Art Psychotherapy, The Korean Association of Psychotherapy conference, Seoul, Korea, May 4th, 2012, South, Korea
Kim, S. (2012). A Quantitative Study: Art Therapy and Healthy Aging, The 1st International Symposium: Creative Arts and Psychotherapy, Jeonju University, April 11th, 2012, South, Korea
Kim, S. (2011). Healthy Aging and Art Therapy, The 42nd American Art Therapy Association conference, Washington DC, MD, July 6-10, 2011, U.S.A.
Kim, S. (2010). Art Psychotherapy & Neuroscience: Art therapy clinician training with neuroscientific point of view, Seoul Women’s University, Seoul, Korea, October 27-28, 2010, South, Korea
Kim, S. (2010). Anger and Art Therapy, The Korean Association of Psychotherapy conference, Seoul, Korea, April 16, 2010, South, Korea
Kim, S. (2010). Healthy Aging and Art Therapy, Public presentation at Lesley University, Cambridge, MA, Feb. 1, 2010, U.S.A.
Kim, S. (2008). Art Therapy Development in Korea: The Current Climate, The 39th American Art Therapy Association conference, Cleveland, OH, November 19-23, 2008, U.S.A.
Kim, S. (2007). Creative Art Therapy for Healthy Aging, Body, Mind and Sprit: Innovations in Research, Practice and Pedagogy Presentation at Lesley University, Cambridge, MA, March 30, 2007, U.S.A.
Kim, S. (2005). Creative Imagination and Guided Imagery in Art Therapy, The semi annual workshop presentation at NJ Life Care Center in Fort Lee, NJ, June 13-15, 2005, U.S.A.
Kim, S. (2004). Rediscovery of Art Therapy: Scientific Basis for Art Therapy & Professional Development for Art Therapist, The 6th Annual International Workshop presentation at Graduate School of Professional Therapeutic Technology at SWU, August 9-11, 2004, Seoul, Korea
O'Connor, K. J. & Kim, S. (2003). Ecosystem Play Therapy, The 1st Annual International Psychotherapy Workshop translation at Graduate School of Professional Therapeutic Technology at SWU, January 20-24, 2003, Seoul, Korea
Kim, S. (2002). Therapeutic Power of Art and Art Therapy, The 1st Art Therapy Workshop at Graduate School of Education & Psychology at SWU, July 11, 2002, Seoul, Korea
Kaplan, F. F. & Kim, S. (2002). Scientific Art Therapy: A New Way of Understanding Art Therapy, The 3rd Annual International Workshop presentation at Graduate School of Professional Therapeutic Technology at SWU, July 1-5, 2002, Seoul, Korea
Hass-Cohen, N., Kim, S. K., Mangassarian, S. (2015). Art mediated intra-interpersonal touch and space: Korean art therapy graduate students’ cultural perspectives on sharing attachment based cloth albums. The Arts in Psychotherapy, 46(1), 1–8.
Kim, S. K. (2013). A randomized, controlled study of the effects of art therapy on older Korean-Americans’ healthy aging. The Arts in Psychotherapy, 40(1), 158–164.
Kim, S. (2010). Anger and Art Therapy, The Journal of Korean Association of Psychotherapy, 2 (2), pp. 97-104.
Kim, S. K. (2010). "Healthy Aging and Art Therapy", Unpublished Doctorate Dissertation, Lesley University.
Kim, S. (2010). A story of a healing relationship: the person-centered approach in expressive arts therapy, The Journal of Creativity in Mental Health, 5, pp. 93-98.
Kim, S. (2009). Art therapy development in Korea: the current climate, The Arts in Psychotherapy, 36 (1), pp. 1-4.
Kim, S. (1998). "A Journey of Finding the Self": The Development of the Sense of Self in Art Therapy, Unpublished Master’s Thesis, New York University
Art Therapy Credential Board (ATCB) 전문자격회원
American Art therapy Association (AATA) 정회원
New York Art Therapy Association (NYATA) 정회원
American Psychology Association (APA) Div.10 정회원
한국미술치료학회(Korean Art Therapy Association)_학술위원장
한국심리치료학회(The Korean Association of Psychotherapy)_자격수련위원장
국제예술심리치료협회(International Society of Arts Psychotherapy)_ 미술치료분과회장
한국질적탐구학회(Korean Association of Qualitative Inquary)_정회원
방송 자료
2018년 10월 EBS 국군방송 잡쇼_미술심리치료사 편
2016년 5월 문화직업 30_미술심리치료사 편 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dwwRnnqYFj4
2015년8월 EBS ‘정서적 빈곤’ 방학이 괴로운 아이들 http://news.ebs.co.kr/ebsnews/allView/10361042/N
기사 자료
2021년 6월 ‘예술심리치료전공’을 소개합니다. with 김선희 교수님
2021년 3월 ‘도화지도 마음도 밝게 색칠해’
2017년 10월 마음톡톡의 심리치료 방법 '표현 예술 치료' 란? https://gscaltexmediahub.com/maumtalktalk/mt-story-what-is-expressional-art-therapy/
2017년 9월 [더 나은 미래] 양육과 훈육 사이, 부모도 도움이 필요합니다. http://news.chosun.com/site/data/html_dir/2017/09/25/2017092501987.html
2017년 8월 마음톡톡은 청소년 심리치료를 위해 어떻게 노력하나요? : 치료사 교육현장 공개 https://gscaltexmediahub.com/maumtalktalk/mt-story-therapist-cooperation-training/
2017년 6월 아동의 안정적인 사회관계 형성을 위한 '수용적 관계경험' [마음톡톡 심리치료 칼럼] https://post.naver.com/viewer/postView.nhn?volumeNo=8033458&memberNo=19557743
2017년 4월호 ‘몸을 움직이고 생각을 적극적으로 표현하세요.’ 트라우마를 치유하는 사람들 https://topclass.chosun.com/board/view.asp?catecode=R&tnu=201704100006
2016년 11월 굿네이버스, 24일 ‘아동, 청소년 정신건강 증진’ 컨퍼런스 2016년 11월 23일 http://news1.kr/articles/?2839301
2016년 5월 서울여대 ‘건강 100세 프로젝트 강좌’ 열어 http://www.metroseoul.co.kr/news/newsview